Portland Timbers Art Show in October
ART WITHOUT PITY: A TIMBERS ARMY AND ROSE CITY RIVETERS ART AND DESIGN SHOW TO BENEFIT OPERATION PITCH INVASION Opening: Thursday, October 5, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Gallery 135, 135 Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Music by Tic Toc The exhibition will feature pieces from more than 30 local artists inspired by the Timbers Army, Rose City Riveters, and the Portland soccer culture. The show will open during the FIRST THURSDAY art gallery walk in Portland’s Pearl District and will offer a limited-run Timbers Army-themed bandana for sale and limited-run art print by Matti Johnsson. The original artwork will be developed in a variety of styles and media—from traditional paintings and photography to one-of-a-kind crafts and items—from artists Adam Mullett, Andrew Young, Andy Morris, Blakely Dadson, Camden Murray, Cameron Sandage, Chris Haberman, Chris Streger, Colin Powers, Cory Coleman, Dan Gerhardstein, Eduardo Tecum, Hannah Mueller, Heather Noddings, Heidi Elise Wirz, Igor Mortis, Jackie Avery, Jake Pooler, Kendra Binney, Kerri Grassl, Lauren Wagner, Leila Chieko, Matt Leamy, Matti Johnsson, Michael Phillips, Murphy Phelan, Nate Tabor, Nic Eldridge, Nicole Scragg, Seth Gale, Thomas Bradley, Tim Weakland, Todd Saucier, Tom O'Toole, and Tyler Segel. The show is being currated by Julie Roberts in partnership with Nate Tabor and Gallery 135 with all proceeds going to OPERATION PITCH INVASION, a Portland-based 501(c)(3) that develops and maintains soccer fields and play spaces in underserved communities.